Do not touch the King’s Life Guard!’

Do not touch the King’s Life Guard!’

Moment soldier stationed outside Buckingham Palace screams at tourist who was trying to get a picture with him

This is the moment a King’s Guard gives a tourist a royal scare as he shouts in her face when she tries to get a picture with him. More than 27million people have watched the clip of the soldier’s explosive reaction outside Buckingham Palace. The clip, posted on TikTok channel thekingsguardsofficial, shows a woman leaning in for a photo with the guard, who is dressed in full armour. He then stamps his foot and turns towards her, holding a large sword, and  bellows: ‘Do not touch the King’s Life Guard!’. The reaction prompted debate among social media users as to whether the shouting was justified.

King’s Guard stationed outside Buckingham Palace screams at tourist
The clip, posted on TikTok channel thekingsguardsofficial, shows a woman leaning in for a photo with the guard, who is dressed in full armour

This is the moment a King’s Guard gives a tourist a royal scare as he shouts in her face when she tries to get a picture with him. More than 27million people have watched the clip of the soldier’s explosive reaction outside Buckingham Palace. The clip, posted on TikTok channel thekingsguardsofficial, shows a woman leaning in for a photo with the guard, who is dressed in full armour. He then stamps his foot and turns towards her, holding a large sword, and  bellows: ‘Do not touch the King’s Life Guard!’ The reaction prompted debate among social media users as to whether the shouting was justified.

He then stamps his foot and turns towards her, holding a large sword, and bellows: 'Do not touch the King's Life Guard!'

He then stamps his foot and turns towards her, holding a large sword, and bellows: ‘Do not touch the King’s Life Guard!’


One Comment on “Do not touch the King’s Life Guard!’”

  1. I am an American visiting in the UK. It is not for a tourist to decide if the guard’s behavior was justified. You are a guest so notice the rules. You are not to disturb the guard who is WORKING. There are permanent signs telling you not to bother or go near the guards. The guards are not there for your pleasure. They are soldiers who have the job of protecting the king.

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